Dear visitor,

wel­co­me to the web­site of the non-pro­fit asso­cia­ti­on KLIMA° vor acht e.V. (trans­la­tes into cli­ma­te befo­re 8pm).
This web­page gives an over­view over the aims of our grass­root pro­ject in Eng­lish and pro­vi­des links to other con­tent on our web­site in Ger­man inclu­ding pages with cont­act infor­ma­ti­on. From this page, we hope you can navi­ga­te around our web­site. You didn’t find some­thing you were loo­king for? Then plea­se email us on, we will try and get back to you as soon as possible. 

You find on this page:

Why KLIMA° vor acht?

More and more peo­p­le are direct­ly affec­ted by the ever-advan­cing cli­ma­te cri­sis. Busi­ness and eco­no­mics topics get a lot of atten­ti­on and the best broad­cas­ting slots. Take the Ger­man public broad­cas­ting cor­po­ra­ti­ons con­sor­ti­um ARDARD Arbeits­ge­mein­schaft der öffent­lich-recht­li­chen Rund­funk­an­stal­ten der Bun­des­re­pu­blik Deutsch­land as an exam­p­le. It pro­du­ces the news pro­gram­me “Die Tages­schau” dai­ly at 8pm. Just befo­re the Tages­schau, the dai­ly short pro­gram­me “Bör­se vor Acht”  has been report­ing news from the world of stock mar­kets for two deca­des. Isn’t it time to pro­vi­de equal­ly com­pre­hen­si­ve infor­ma­ti­on about an exis­ten­ti­al cri­sis that affects ever­yo­ne? We firm­ly belie­ve that a short and high-qua­li­ty broad­cast for­mat on the cli­ma­te cri­sis is urgen­tly needed. 

What are the goals of the project?

The goal of KLIMA° vor acht is to encou­ra­ge TV sta­ti­ons to pro­du­ce inno­va­ti­ve, sci­ence-based and regu­lar cli­ma­te report­ing and to broad­cast it in slots that reach as many peo­p­le as pos­si­ble. To help achie­ve our goal, we have pro­du­ced the first six epi­so­des of KLIMA° vor acht. We deve­lo­ped the broad­cast con­cept, sel­ec­ted the topics, pro­vi­ded the edi­to­ri­al work and mana­ged the com­ple­te pro­duc­tion pro­cess. Pre­vious attempts to con­vin­ce decis­i­on makers via let­ters and a public peti­ti­on have not had the desi­red effect. KLIMA° vor acht prac­ti­cal­ly demons­tra­tes that it can be done.

What does KLIMA° vor acht look like?

The six epi­so­des of KLIMA° vor acht are each 3-5 minu­tes long. In terms of con­tent, we are inte­res­ted in com­mu­ni­ca­ting sci­en­ti­fic facts, report­ing on cur­rent deve­lo­p­ments and put­ting new fin­dings into con­text. A dai­ly short TV for­mat should also whet people’s appe­ti­tes for a sus­tainable future worth living, show per­spec­ti­ves and approa­ches to solu­ti­ons and explain the need to act.

For the film­ing and post-pro­duc­tion, we work­ed with a pro­fes­sio­nal film stu­dio. The edi­to­ri­al team was sup­port­ed by experts from the sci­en­ti­fic com­mu­ni­ty. We pre­mie­red each of the six epi­so­des weekly bet­ween 22 April and 27 May on Thurs­days at 7.55pm on popu­lar video plat­forms. Bey­ond the pro­duc­tion and “broad­cast” of the epi­so­des, KLIMA° vor acht runs a media cam­paign pro­mo­ting the for­mat on other media outlets.

You can find all of the­se epi­so­des on our You­Tube chan­nel.

Who is behind KLIMA° vor acht?

To be able to rea­li­se the pro­ject, more than a dozen peo­p­le, many of them with roots in the cli­ma­te move­ment, came tog­e­ther as “Team KLIMA° vor acht in mid 2020. A crowd­fun­ding cam­paign on Start­next was laun­ched to finan­ce the pro­ject. The fun­ding goal of €20,000 was rea­ched in under four hours and fun­ding had near­ly dou­bled by the time crowd­fun­ding ended. To rea­li­se the pro­ject, we foun­ded a regis­tered non-pro­fit asso­cia­ti­on and, by 2021, the KLIMA° vor acht team had swel­led to more than 30 peo­p­le, all working on a vol­un­t­a­ry, not-for-pro­fit basis.

How is the donated money used?

The KLIMA° vor acht bud­get cover­ed film­ing and pro­duc­tion cos­ts of the KLIMA° vor acht epi­so­des. Neces­sa­ry expen­ses, tra­vel cos­ts and reim­bur­se­ment of expen­ses for the pro­fes­sio­nal pre­sen­ters were also cover­ed by the bud­get of the asso­cia­ti­on. Part of the fun­ding dona­ted to us will go towards our mul­ti­me­dia cam­paign acti­vi­ties. All con­cep­tu­al, edi­to­ri­al and sci­en­ti­fic work is done by the KLIMA° vor acht team on a vol­un­t­a­ry, non-pro­fit basis. To get to know the peo­p­le behind KLIMA° vor acht, click here.

What has KLIMA° vor acht achieved so far and where to go from here?

  • March 2021

    Open letter

    In March 2021, KLIMA° vor acht addres­sed an open let­ter to the chair­man of the ARD, Tom Buhr­ow. Tog­e­ther with about 180 pro­mi­nent co-signa­to­ries from sci­ence, cul­tu­re, finan­ce and media, we cal­led upon the ARD to pro­vi­de cli­ma­te covera­ge appro­pria­te to the ext­ent and urgen­cy of the cri­sis. Among our co-signa­to­ries are two of Germany’s best-known cli­ma­te rese­ar­chers Hans Joa­chim Schellnhu­ber and Ste­fan Rahmstorf and insti­tu­ti­ons from various back­grounds. After publi­ca­ti­on, the let­ter has been signed by almost twen­ty thousand peo­p­le from all walks of life, sup­port­ing our goal.

  • March 2021

    Analysis of public television programmes

    Also in March 2021, our own ana­ly­sis of public tele­vi­si­on pro­gram­mes show­ed that cli­ma­te was only a mar­gi­nal topic. In 2020, only 128 in a total of 13,079 pro­gram­mes exclu­ding repeats dealt with the topic of ‘cli­ma­te’ - under one per cent. In the same year, the for­mat “Wis­sen vor acht” (know­ledge befo­re eight) aired 227 broad­casts with only 10 addres­sing the cli­ma­te crisis.

  • April 2021

    Going live with pilot series

    In April 2021, the team behind KLIMA° vor acht went live with its pilot series of six weekly KLIMA° vor acht epi­so­des. To push for our goal for bet­ter cli­ma­te report­ing that rea­ches a broad audi­ence, we also ran a social media cam­paign on four big social media plat­forms. Our Twit­ter account as of Sum­mer 2021 has rea­ched 30,000 fol­lo­wers. We also recei­ved atten­ti­on in the tra­di­tio­nal press.

    As a result, the pri­va­te TV sta­ti­on RTL took up our demand for sci­ence-based yet com­pre­hen­si­ble report­ing on cli­ma­te at prime time. KLIMA° vor acht has been in dis­cus­sion with the TV sta­ti­on about its new regu­lar cli­ma­te format.

  • July 2021

    RTL launched “Climate Update”

    RTL, a major Ger­man pri­va­te broad­cas­ter, laun­ched its own for­mat “Cli­ma­te Update”, which was deve­lo­ped clo­se­ly with KLIMA° vor acht and runs direct­ly after the main news and rea­ches mil­li­ons of view­ers. As of Sep­tem­ber 2021 RTL aired 22 epi­so­des twice a week just after 7 pm. You can watch all of the­se epi­so­des here.

  • July 2021

    3rd meeting with representatives of ARD

    In July 2021, the initia­ti­ve KLIMA° vor acht met for the third time with repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of ARD to dis­cuss a dedi­ca­ted, regu­lar cli­ma­te for­mat on the Ger­man tele­vi­si­on chan­nel “Das Ers­te”. ARD’s pro­gram­me direc­tor Chris­ti­ne Strobl and her depu­ty Flo­ri­an Hager were among the par­ti­ci­pan­ts. At the mee­ting, ARD announ­ced that the topics of cli­ma­te and bio­di­ver­si­ty would be cover­ed at least once a week from now on during the quar­ter hour befo­re 8pm.

    With the pro­mi­se of a weekly pro­gram­me on the sub­ject in this time slot, ARD remains far behind the idea of KLIMA° vor acht. Nor­man Schu­mann, KLIMA° vor acht press spo­kes­man, said of the mee­ting: “A fre­quent cli­ma­te for­mat at prime time does not seem pos­si­ble at ARD at the moment. We would have wis­hed for more visi­on and cou­ra­ge from the public broad­cas­ters. It is posi­ti­ve that ARD, at our sug­ges­ti­on, now also wants to focus more on bio­di­ver­si­ty in its report­ing. The extinc­tion of spe­ci­es is ano­ther important topic that is stron­gly lin­ked to the cli­ma­te crisis.”

The initia­ti­ve will con­ti­nue. The tele­vi­si­on land­scape must find its feet in order to deal with this unpre­ce­den­ted cri­sis ade­qua­te­ly in the media. KLIMA° vor acht e.V. will con­ti­nue to remind the ARD and all other broad­cas­ters of this and will glad­ly sup­port them with our expertise.

Stay up to date

The­re are many thril­ling new pro­jects coming. To best stay up to date fol­low us on Twit­ter, Insta­gram, Lin­ke­dIn or Face­book for news and updates.

Plea­se direct press enqui­ries to our press team, cont­acts lis­ted here.

Support KLIMA° vor acht

  • You can sup­port us by making a dona­ti­on. Our bank details are as follows.
    Account hol­der: KLIMA° vor acht e.V.
    IBAN: DE76 4306 0967 1147 7277 00 (GLS Gemein­schafts­bank eG)
  • You can still sign our let­ter to Tom Buhr­ow, chair­man of public broad­cas­ter ARD in Germany.
  • If you want to sup­port us, you can also add a KLIMA° vor acht badge to your social media pro­fi­le pic­tu­re here
  • The­re is even a sus­tain­ab­ly pro­du­ced KLIMA° vor acht‑shirt that can be purcha­sed via the Green Shirt’s web­site.
    Plea­se note: we do not deri­ve any eco­no­mic bene­fit from the sale of the T-shirts and are not con­trac­tual­ly affi­lia­ted with Green Shirts.